Under what instances should a prenuptial agreement be considered in Rhode Islandremarital agreements are not right for really couplerenuptial agreements are most prevalent in second marriageshey are especially prevalent in first or second marriages when one or both of the parties have children of a prior marriage or relationshiphey are at the same time prevalent when a future spouse has a child or children from a prior relationshiphis article only pertains to prenuptial agreement drafted in Rhode Island or that could be interpreted by Rhode Island laws there any difference between a prenuptial and a premarital agreementremarital agreement, antenuptial agreement and prenuptial agreement are all different terms for the same document and are used interchangeablyreserving assets for childrenhen a person has a child from a different relationship and is considering a marriage, he / she usually wants to insure that his / her child will inherit tough earned assets person wan ... [Read More - Marriage Records Ks]

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